Phone: 754-307-9486


Privacy Policy

We at Shop Aviation Store Services take the privacy of our clients and customers very seriously. For that reason, we limit the collection and use of personal and corporate or business information to the minimum required in order to serve and supply our clients and customers. The information we received from our clients and customers, which is requested on our forms and applications or by FAX, telephone, or email, is not disclosed or sold as public information.

We use this information only as appropriate in our course of conducting business and we share certain facts and data with financial and non-financial organizations that perform services on our behalf such as card services.

We may disclose information to a third party as follows:

When it is necessary to complete a transaction;
In order to comply with government agencies, court orders or other legal reporting requirements;
Only upon written permission by the client or customer.
Internally in our company for accountants, auditors, attorneys, etc. as needed.
By visiting our internet web pages,, you agree that the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Conditions of Use and any dispute of any type, sort or magnitude, that may arise between you or your company and SHOP AVIATION STORE Inc. or their affiliates.

If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement or concerns about the ways or methods Shop Aviation Store Services processes your personal or company data, please contact us by email at

This Privacy Statement is subject to amendments and/or changes from time to time and any changes will be published on this web page.